Entertainment or Eternity?

by | February 6, 2023

For years now, I’ve had my time with the Lord at night before I go to bed. It has been such a peaceful time to focus on what matters most and end the day meditating on God’s goodness and truths from Scripture. I have a routine I like to follow (here’s a video I made some years back on this), but this year, I started looking up the meanings of specific words in Greek or Hebrew. It has helped me so much already in understanding the deeper meanings. This week as I read through different Psalms, these two verses stood out. 

“I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.” (Psalm 101:2b-3a)

I immediately thought of how that would seem impossible to have a perfect heart. It seems unachievable, but I looked up the meaning and was surprised to find it means “full of integrity; moral innocence; uprightness.” I guess that puts it in a new light. I want to demonstrate integrity and purity in my thoughts and actions consistently, and I feel it is most important to display this to those who know me best — the people in my home. 

The next verse seemed to have an obvious meaning. I would imagine that most of us, as Christians, would not choose to watch something vile or perverse, but I was taken aback when I looked up the deeper meaning, which means “worthless; without profit; good for nothing.” I felt convicted as I reread the definition. I can raise my hand, admitting I am guilty of wasting time on things that do not benefit me in any way, even though they wouldn’t be considered bad. The real question I have to ask myself is, “Am I choosing the best thing, and does it bring worth spiritually, relationally, or even physically?”

I think we, as humans, like to be entertained. It is easy to let our minds wander; it takes no effort. But we are called to “bring every thought captive.” It is the road that takes commitment, self-control, and vigilance. It takes me saying “no” to my desires sometimes. I am a child of God. I want to be a Christlike example to these little eyes that watch me every moment of the day. It is one of my greatest privileges. As a gatekeeper of our home, I want to allow and choose to bring in things that promote character, holiness, and godliness. 

Eternity is too great to waste any time.

Be encouraged.


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