Simple Faith

by | September 19, 2022

The past few weeks I have been able to spend more time with the kids and have gotten to see them interact with each other. Their imagination and creativity just comes alive and the dialogue they use with each other has me rolling one minute and melting with love the next. Honestly, the way they perceive life is so precious and sweet. I think my father-in-law said it well when he stated how beautiful the innocence of a child is. 

It is hard to believe that a small child can teach a full grown adult a thing or two, but I have found this to be so true on more than one occasion. My kids have taught me to be better at responding in situations that I did not expect. They have taught me that being present for them as a father is more important than what I could give them, but I guess one of the most valuable things that I have learned from interacting with my children is just their simple faith. 

Jesus said in Luke 18:16: “. . . suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.” 

The trusting nature of a little child is a sweet thing that changes all to quickly as they grow. The total reliance and dependence at birth soon changes to the I-can-do-everything-by-myself attitude at age 3. But the faith of a little child is so deep that Christ wanted to make a point about it. When you offer a gift to a child, they don’t question your motive or wonder if it’s for real. They trust, they love, they believe, and they follow . . . without any self ambition. God wants these attitudes to be engrained in all of His children. It is something we should never outgrow.

Be encouraged.


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