Last night seemed to go by so fast. It was the IBLP directors Valentine banquet. I had the opportunity of shooting this event with several others. There were a lot of first’s in it for me. It was the first time I shot in a “studio” using that type of lighting. It was the first time I had ever shot over 30 different portrait pictures in an hour. It was the first time I had ever worn all black (not counting a suit =). It was the first time I had taken pictures in a day and used those some pictures in a sideshow the same day. It was the first time I had no coffee….wait….I did have coffee. =)
Anyways, there were a lot of firsts…but I had fun in it all and the help I had was awesome. We were faced a few challenges. The lighting was very low and we couldn’t use flash so as not to distract from the dinner or the events that were taking place up front. This meant higher ISO and a firmer grip. With what we had to work with, I was really encouraged at how it all went. God is good. I will be posting more pics from this event soon.
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It is almost midnight here; everyone is sound asleep. The hum of the swing and piano hymns softly play in the background. My Bible is open...