Flowers for a Crown?

by | January 26, 2012

I have always loved the country.
I always will. 
Years ago God brought me to a cross-roads of leaving many things that I cherished behind to obey and heed His calling. God used my own Dad as my hero-of-faith to follow in this adventure of leaving the familiar behind. Looking back almost eight years ago, I haven’t regretted my decision…and my Dad is still one of my hero’s-of-faith. 
It was God’s simple call on our lives to “Follow Him” (Matthew 4:19). By His grace, we did. During that time of following God’s direction eight
years ago, God used a godly lady to share a simple poem with my family.
This poem helped me see the BIGGER picture of life and opened my
spiritual eyes to needs. I would like to share it.
“I said:
‘Let me walk in the field;’
God said: ‘Nay, walk in the town;’
I said: ‘There are no flowers there;’
He said: ‘No flowers, but a crown.'”

“I said:
‘But the sky is black,
There is nothing but noise and din;’
But He wept as He sent me back,
‘There is more,’ He said, ‘there is sin.'”
“I said:
‘But the air is thick,
and fogs are veiling the sun;’
He answered: ‘Yet souls are sick,
And souls in the dark undone.'”
“I said:
‘I shall miss the light,
and friends will miss me they say;’

He answered me, ‘Choose tonight,
If I am to miss you, or they.'”
“I pleaded
for time to be given;
He said: ‘Is it hard to decide?
It will not seem hard in Heaven,
To have followed the steps of your Guide.'”
“I cast
one look at the fields,
Then set my face to the town;
He said: ‘My child, do you yield?
Will you leave the flowers for the crown?'”
“Then into
His hand went mine,
And into my heart came He;
And I walk in a light Divine,
The path I had feared to see.”

~ George MacDonald 

Recently, God has been asking me to step out in faith once again…this time, on my own.  

God brought this poem across my path once
again, and I just laughed inside at how He uses little things like this
to help and strengthen my weak faith, to follow Him and grab a hold of
HIS promises, purposes and passions.
It requires a surrender, but the
exchange is unparallelled…and so worth it! 

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