my Best Friend

by | January 8, 2013

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,
from whence cometh my help. My help cometh
from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121:1-2
God has blessed me with many
faithful friends in my life; friends that have inspired me and challenged me to
be a better man, a stronger Christian, and a faithful servant. I have friends
that have corrected me because they genuinely care for me and friends that give
me wise counsel when making hard decisions. I have friends that are always
looking out for me and are willing to lend a helping hand in time of need. I
have friends that make sacrifices on my behalf, just because they wanted what
was best for me. These friends will always be my friends. God has used them to
make me what I am today. These friends have challenged me to be all that I can
be! I am so very grateful for every person that God has brought across my path.
But I am especially grateful for one
friend that has become more than just a friend to me! This friend has not only
been faithful, genuine, wise in counsel, sacrificial, motivating me to do my
best, but SHE is so much more to me!!
She is truly the greatest blessing in my life! I am so honored, privileged, and
grateful to be courting Miss Erin Bates, my forever friend. 
For the LORD God is a
sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that
walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11
I met Erin
at a banquet two years ago. During the past two years, I have gotten to know
her family, friends, and more about her; I knew in my heart that this was the
Girl that I desired to pursue for the rest of my life. I fell in love with Erin. My family was able to spend time getting to know
their family during occasional visits. We agreed as a family that the Bates
were one of the sweetest and most encouraging families that we had ever met! We
hit it off so well! The summer of 2011 was when I really knew that Erin was the Girl for me. But there were areas in my life
that I had kept for myself and not surrendered to the Lord. God knew I needed
to grow in these areas and keep Him preeminent in my heart and life. Erin was the person that really challenged me at this
critical point in my life to do whatever it took to be ALL I could be for the
Lord. We spent about a year seeking the Lord, serving in Ministries, and
spending time with our families. This past fall, I was able to spend some more
extensive time getting know the Bates. We made so many memories together! I
asked Mr. Bates if I could have his permission to court Erin…and
he said he thought that might be a good idea. =) LOL I was so excited! I
decided to make a surprise visit to Tennessee
and ask Erin if I could court her… She
actually said, “YES!” =) I was so happy! God has answered so many prayers, and
He has made so many hopes and dreams become a reality!! I am truly grateful for
all of His goodness!
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before
God is a refuge for us.
Psalm 62:8
As Erin and I seek the Lord for His
best for the future and what He has for Us, please keep us in your prayers! I
look forward to updating y’all on what He is doing! It’s been an adventure for sure…and
I think it will always be an adventure! =) I love Erin
and I am so grateful for her love, patience, and trust in the Lord. She truly
has challenged and motivated me to be the man that I should be! I am so grateful
that our paths crossed!! We are both looking forward to what God has for us together
in the future!
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and
lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he
shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

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