about our family

Get to know us

We’re a small family that loves making big memories. We live in a small, country cottage nestled in the hills of Tennessee.

Our faith, our families, and our friends are the most important treasures that we have. We love sharing our experiences, our adventures, our challenges, and our happy times with others. It is our prayer that this site will encourage and inspire you in this wonderful journey of life.

Chad Paine

Chad grew up in a large family in northern Indiana. At an early age he grew to love working on the farm, raising goats and chickens, and driving the tractor. He is probably the most diligent person you will ever meet, and he credits his dad for his strong work ethic. He spent many years working with youth and his humble and gentle spirit impacted countless lives. He graduated from a private College with an Associates in Youth Ministry. In 2013, he moved to Tennessee and married the love of his life, Erin Bates.

Over the years he has really enjoyed working with his hands, refinishing furniture, remodeling, and building projects. Chad started Paine Construction in 2017, and stays quite busy working full time, and making people’s dreams come to life. He is a proud father to 4 children, and every evening you can find him giving the kids wild piggy-back rides, breathtaking pushes on the swing , and telling the most exciting Bible stories. He is constantly investing into his family, and there is no job at home that he isn’t willing to do. He is a true example of a Christian and leads his family by serving, loving, and giving.

Erin Bates Paine

Erin Bates Paine is a native Tennessean who has lived in the greater Knoxville area all of her life. Growing up in a family of 19 children, there was never a dull moment for her. Erin graduated with honors and earned a bachelor’s degree in music from Crown College of the Bible. She is an accomplished pianist and has released 5 studio albums. Erin fell in love with and married the man of her dreams in November of 2013. They now have 4 beautiful blessings, and are adding to their brood early 2022. Erin is Chad’s biggest inspiration for projects in and outside the home. She is extremely creative and has a wonderful eye for home decor and artistic designs. She adds a beautiful touch around her home and in the homes of those around her.

Erin finds fulfillment and joy from being a full time mother, homeschooling her two oldest, making dinners from scratch, and growing every flower she can find. She has a desire to minister to other women and encourage them to deepen their relationship with the Lord. You will often hear her saying, “Make your time with Jesus your priority each day, and make a choice to surround yourself with people and media that will challenge you spiritually. Life is too short to waste our time and eternity is too great.”

so much fun!

Our Kids







Keep up with our adventures…


We got to visit the Zoo over the weekend with our little crew. The head rub at the end makes me smile every time I watch it. 🫶🏻Sibling relationships are so special! ☀️ ☁️ 🦒 🦓 🐘 

#homeschoolfamily #zooday #sixkids #siblings #family #Florida
Happy Birthday to the happiest 3-year-old I've ever known! 🎉 Finley Marie, you wake up smiling and go to bed full of giggles. You are full of joy and it overflows to everyone around you. It's almost impossible to keep shoes on you, and almost just as hard to keep your face clean. All you need in life is some dirt and lots of sunshine. 🌞🌴 Your laughter is contagious and we thank the Lord for giving us such a beautiful ray of happiness in our lives! We ALL LOVE YOU, sweet Finney! 🥰
#3yearsold #birthday #FinleyMarie #joy #allyouneedisdirtandsunshine
✨When you find something that makes a difference in your skin… It is a challenge to keep in stock ✨ 

Thank you for all the love and glowing reviews! 

🌟ChadandErin.com or LINK IN BIO🌟

#whippedTallow #clean #organic #grassfed #moisturizer #thebestskincare #explorepage #smallbatch #smallbusiness #nourish #vitamin
✨BACK IN STOCK✨ Thank you for your patience…I know you will love it as much as we do! 

🧴A little backstory…Almost two years ago I started researching the skin benefits of Tallow and started making my own clean skincare. I've given my friends and family these and everyone always asks for more! 🎁

Our whipped Tallow balm is infused with the highest-quality oils and is packed with nutrients for your skin. It is wholesome, clean, and contains ingredients you can recognize. 

It’s an effective alternative to your moisturizer. Grass-fed Tallow is naturally abundant in Vitamins A, E, D, and K. Our balm is combined with oils that will melt into your skin as they nourish, calm, and balance your skin. We use the highest-quality essential oils, leaving you with a light aroma of lavender, frankincense, geranium, and Jasmine. 

#stockingstuffers #WhippedTallow #cleaningredients #quality #Christmas #gifts #grassfed #organic #coldpressed #pure
The most wonderful time of year! 🎄 
💫 See the full video on our YouTube channel 💫

#Christmas #familyof8 #traditions #together #love #joy #peace #JesusistheReason #happy #family
The BEST visit with Papaw and Nana Paine! 🥰 As you can see, we filled every minute to the fullest. Oklahoma is way too far from us… One day, I just know we will live next to each other! We are so blessed to have them in our lives. We adore them! I'm thankful for the best in-laws any girl has ever had! ❤️ Grandparents are the biggest gift! 😘 
#papawandNana #grandparents #family #love #visit #home #lotsofLove
✨Cyber Monday SALE✨ 
Gifts with purpose 🎁 

#sale #gifts #Christmas #Inspirational #faith #hope #scripture #smallbusiness #cybermonday
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” A. W. Tozer

This one thought has challenged me to put a priority on knowing God and giving our children an adequate view of what God is like. It has been a life-changer for me. 

A study on the Attributes of God - ChadandErin.com
Thank you @maryannaphoto for the sweetest pictures! 📷 🥰
We have been planning on spending Thanksgiving with my grandparents for a few months, but a few days before leaving, we came down with a cold… I didn’t want to spread sickness, so we decided to stay and celebrate here as a family. I’m not going to lie; we cried some real tears. The kids knew how sad I was to miss out on being with family, so they spent so much time working on this surprise for me! 🥲 They put hand motions to this chapter to quote together. What a fitting passage for such a special day! Charles thought of this creative turkey craft and helped them all make it. 🥰 I know it is not how we had planned to spend this holiday, but I’m just reminded of how blessed I am and how thankful I am for my precious family! 
Happy Thanksgiving, Friends! ❤️

#Psalm100 #surprise #HappyThankgiving #blessed #thankful #kidscraft #creativekids #Scripture
Happy 5th Birthday, Holland Grace! You have the brightest smile and biggest heart! We all love hearing your creative stories each day. You keep us entertained and always laughing. You have the biggest imagination and see beauty in everything around you. You have brought so much joy to our home. You are so loved and adored. I'm glad we get to celebrate you today! ❤️ Please never stop giving us our “Holly hugs”! 😘
To see them together… after God answered his prayer. 🥰 
#brothers #Godanswersprayer #ThankyouJesus