Are you overwhelmed?

by | November 15, 2021

I’m not sure if you’re like me, but I am a perfectionist, which means I constantly have to battle the pull to be the “perfect” Christian, wife, mother, and friend. After having two kids, I felt overwhelmed by trying to make every meal from scratch, attempt to have every closet organized, and find time to talk to every friend. (Not to mention, getting ready every. Single. Day) It was at that moment that God started speaking to my heart through His word.

“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things ABOVE, not on things on the earth . . . and let the PEACE of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful . . .”

COLOSSIANS 3:1–2 (emphasis added)

I identified my priorities in life

  • My relationship with Jesus is the most important thing to me. I will always give it 100%, because this changes my attitude and my spirit throughout each day. He is my life-giver. 
  • Quality time with my husband is so vital in a marriage. I choose to make time each day to connect, show love, and share our hearts. He is my encourager in everything I do. 
  • Quality time with our children. I want to spend time learning more about them, showing them affection, and teaching them more about Jesus.

I listed out the different ways I can keep these three areas my priorities, and this is where I give 100% every single day.

In this season of my life, I have found I have to balance everything else that is pulling for my time and energy, and I realize every season might look different for each person. But for me, this is what balance looks like right now . . .

I absolutely love to cook, and I just have to remind myself that it’s ok to add a can of green beans as a side, and a premixed salad. (Ya know, or even that box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese)! I’m not always going to be able to make a gourmet dinner, and I’m ok with that. I’m gonna confess also that if you open the closet doors, you might gasp, because it is a little bit of a disarray, but the kids always have clean clothes and I don’t get in a tizzy when it’s not organized and labeled. If you’ve ever actually met us in person, you could vouch for the fact that our kids aren’t dressed in “style” or magazine worthy — by any stretch of the word. I usually let them choose their own outfits, because they find so much joy in that, and I know they are gonna play so hard outdoors, that everything is likely to have a coat of mud on it by nightfall. I don’t stress over their appearance, because I realize it really isn’t that important. My kids have also talked, walked, and potty trained at different ages, (I admit I am still attempting to potty train my 3-1/2 year old). I realize they are all different, with completely different personalities, and I don’t get worked up if they don’t meet a certain standard at a certain time.

I want to do my very best. I want to cook dinners each night. I want my house to be tidy . . . but there is a balance to everything I am doing right now. I have to CHOOSE to emphasize my priorities, and just do my best in every other area. From my own experience, I have found freedom, joy, and contentment in balance.

If you’re anything like me, I encourage you to list your priorities and then find your balance in other areas.

Lots of love,


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