Do you have close friends?

by | December 13, 2021

As I sit on the couch, watching my children play together on the floor, I’m thinking about the gift of friendship. Friendship is such a vital part of humanity, but so often people feel alone in this world. 

I ponder the question, How many friends do I really have? I’m talking about the kind of friends that I am vulnerable with. The kind of friends that ask me the hard questions. The kind of friend it talks about in Proverbs 27:17:

“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” 

The friend that not only encourages me, but the friend who challenges me in my relationship with the Lord and with others. It doesn’t matter how many social media followers or phone numbers you have in your phone. Think about it with me for a moment . . . who are the friends that you not only laugh and cry with, but who you can honestly pour your heart out to, and trust that they will pray for you and give you wise counsel? I’ll be honest, I don’t have very many friends of this caliber, but the ones that I do, I really treasure. 

You will become like the people you hang around and the people you admire. Choose your friends wisely. 

I want to be a friend to others. I want to care and love them the way Jesus loves me. Sometimes it is hard to know where to start a meaningful conversation with those around you, but I am going to share some questions I typically ask those who I spend time with, and I encourage you to do the same. I pray it will will bring your friendship to a new level, and challenge you in the same way it has me.

1. How are you doing in your walk with the Lord?

  • Are there certain resources that have been helpful?
  • Do you feel stuck in your routine?
  • Do you feel like you are growing spiritually or do you feel stuck in your routine?

2. What specific way can I pray for you?

  • Do you mind sharing the biggest thing on your heart right now that I can take to the Lord in prayer?

Take the time to share your personal story and resources that have been valuable to you. Be open. Be honest. Be vulnerable. But more than anything else, really pray for their specific requests. The Bible says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 1:16). There is power in prayer. If you can, write a little note and send it in the mail to let them know they are in your thoughts and prayers. You never know how you could touch someone for eternity.

Be a true friend to someone today.

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