Is He increasing?

by | August 8, 2022

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”
—John 3:30, emphasis added 

These were the words of one of the greatest men during Jesus’ earthly ministry, but I believe it is a mindset that is so easily lost amidst our media-saturated culture. It wasn’t too long ago that “selfie” wasn’t even a word. Our morning routines didn’t include wondering about what we were going to share on the unending array of our social media platforms. I think people can somehow find an element of validation just in posting what they are eating, where they are going, or who they are with. 

Don’t get me wrong . . . social media can be a great tool, but I don’t think it hurts to step back now and then and ask ourselves a few questions: 

  • How can I glorify Christ in the platforms He has given me? 
  • What do others see when they see me?
  • Can people look at my feed/posts and see a difference from the worlds?
  • What can I post/share that will make some want to know more about God?

The answer to these questions may help us see what our focus is. They help me intentionally think and plan how I can be a better witness and testimony for the Lord throughout my day. 

Let God increase in your life this week!

Be encouraged.

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