The title of my post pretty much says it all. The Lord has been doing so many amazing things, praise His wondrous and awesome Nombre! The things that took place yesterday have been working in my heart in many ways. I was overwhelmed, saddened, excited, ashamed, and the Lord opened the eyes of my heart to see others in an entirely new way. We had the opportunity to meet with many high ranking officials yesterday in order to work out a way to best serve the people of Peru, specifically the municipality of Callao. We also had a short visit with the gang leaders that the previous groups had ministered to. It was exciting to see their heart and desire to minister to others had not changed!
The one thing that touched my heart the most yesterday was our trip to a young girls shelter. Most of them were there to find protection and refuge from abuse. They came from broken families…some, had no family or didn’t know where they were. As I listened to these young girls share, I was so ashamed and overwhelmed. Here I am, an American, that has never experienced true need, hunger, or abuse…and I complain or murmur about the most insignificant and minuscule things! I was ashamed at the many ways that demonstrate a lack of gratefulness!
Our time there at the shelter was very rewarding! Many came to the Lord and we were able to minister through song, gifts, and the truths of the gospel! The Lord was glorified and magnified and we didn’t want to leave.
Please pray for the girls at the shelter that we visited…that the seeds of truth that were sown would multiply into a bountiful harvest! That from that place, the message of Jesus Christ would go forth! Pray for for Mr. Gothard, Natlie, and Rodrigo as they attend the celebration in honor of the new president of Peru.
Pray for the team…our health has been good and that has been encouraging! Pray that we will not miss any opportunities that might come across our path!
May the Lord bless you richly!