
by | July 21, 2012

I thought that my last trip to the Northwoods was my last trip!…but God has a way of surprising us sometimes! This Journey will be different, because it’s in Spanish. =) I know this will be a stretch for me…but I am so thankful that God knows both languages LOL.
I believe that God wants to show me and the guys on my team, amazing and wonderful things…things about Himself, His character, His visions, His plans, His great love that He has for us.
Please pray for us! Pray that I would go in the strength of the Lord, and not lean upon my own understanding! Also pray for Juan Cedillo who will be my translator! I know that he will need much strength this week as well! I look forward to sharing what God does on this awesome Journey!
It’s going to be Good!…because HE is GOOD!

Be encouraged and blessed!

~ Chad

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