Just a Little Time Left

by | May 14, 2015

I can’t wait till he gets here! =)
This is just a little update on how things are going! Erin has been doing good as can be expected at over 36 weeks. She’s pretty uncomfortable, but she has been so positive!  She is such a trooper! Baby Carson is growing and is doing really good!
I took this picture yesterday and just had to post it because she is so C.U.T.E.! And I couldn’t resist posting this stinkin’ cute picture of Jeb too!
I wanted to thank everyone who has commented, written letters, left notes of encouragement on instagram, and supported us through this really special time. It has meant so much to both of us to know that there are so many people who care. I plan to try and keep you as updated as possible with any good news! =)


~ Chad, Erin, & Carson ~

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