The Month of April, And a Journey

by | May 5, 2012

It’s hard to describe all the different events that have taken place this past month, not to mention the events leading into this new month alone! But one thing I can say is that God is once again always faithful. Faithful to direct and lead, faithful to protect and give strength, and faithful to be who He has always said He will be, the “I AM”  ~ Exodus 3:14.
God abundantly blessed the Big Sandy Regional conference! Around 2,000 people were there and we were blessed to take part in the wonderful fellowship, listen to outstanding messages, and enjoy the beauty of Texas. Many people were blessed and encouraged. I really enjoyed working with the publications team sharing materials and talking with ATI families. Every member of the team gave their 100% which in turn yielded an amazing week!
Returning from the conference, we were able to stop over in Tulsa, Oklahoma and spend a few nights with our family. We had a blast! It had been four months since we had last seen them and we relished every minute that we stayed. We miss them so much! I am now back in Chicago preparing once again for a Journey up North. This Journey will be a different Journey, I know. They are all unique and God always works in different ways and challenges me personally in different areas. I am looking forward in great anticipation to the work that only He can do in and through each heart and life…and I know that He has a special work to do in my own heart. =)
So, I will end this post with a prayer request. Please pray that as God works, every heart (especially the leaders =) will be soft, open, and receptive to His still, small voice. And that each young man will walk away with a deeper and more intimate love for the Lord and great love for others. Pray that I will truly take refuge in Him this week as I pour out my heart before Him. ~ Psalm 62:8 ~

God bless each one of you!

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