Our Lil’ Home

by | February 18, 2014

Nestled in a little valley, is a place that Erin and I call home. A few months before getting married, the Lord led us to this cute, country cottage that we both fell in love with. The house needed a little work and we were able to make small repairs and decorate it together just the way we wanted it. It was so fun! A little paint, texture, and decoration goes a long way in making a house feel like a home. Erin and I are so happy where we are and we wanted to share some pictures! This lil’ house is the perfect place for us!

As I was preparing this post, a passage came to mind that has been very meaningful to me throughout our courtship and engagement. It’s the parable that Jesus gave about building a house upon the sand or building a house upon a rock. The Lord gave me that passage the day that I began courting Erin, over a year ago. I wanted this passage to guide our relationship and be the key focus in our preparation for marriage. The passage is found in Luke 6:46-48.

“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.”

 An amazing analogy can be drawn from this passage in relating it to building a marriage. A marriage that is founded upon Jesus Christ (truth) will prove to be a marriage that will not crumble when the storms of life arise. I know that a marriage is never “perfect,” just as we as individuals are never perfect. There is always something to work on and there is always something to build in our lives and in our marriages. Our
foundation is Jesus and His Word and we are continuing to build our marriage together. The Lord challenged me with the realization that I needed to focus more of my energies into building our marriage. One area that God has convicted me in is my prayer life. I get so caught up in business that I forget to bring those things that are on my heart before the Lord. This past Sunday, in Sunday school, one of the teachers shared how prayer unites believers. One of the best ways to unite as couples is to simply have times of praying together. This really spoke to my heart and has given me a new fervor to pray with Erin and to make sure my priorities are right as we continue to build our house together. =)

~ hf…Psalm 121:1-2

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