“This is My Word”

by | May 8, 2010

As the snow falls from heaven as it comes in swirling showers from the sky.
So is my Word.
As the rains bring the water to the earth that is thirsty and dry.
So is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word.
As the rains bring renewal and the tender buds begin to come alive,
So is my Word.
Giving seed to the sower, and the bread to the hungry ‘til they thrive,
So is my Word, so is my Word.
And the Word of my mouth, it shall not return empty;
It will bless the earth wherever it is heard.
This is my Word, this is my Word.
O Lord, when I am weary, when I feel the days I’m living are in vain,
My God, help me be faithful to the Word You have given to proclaim.
Proclaim the Word, and you will go out in joy and be led forth in peace,
And the hills will break before you into song.
So be faithful, brave and true, for I will go before you.
And when your earthly journey here is done, I’ll say well done!
(Based on Isaiah 55:10-12)
   These thoughts came to me this morning as I walked through the falling snow. Actually, the passage is what came to mind, but this song has always meant a lot to me.  

God’s Word will not return void. 

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