Naturally Forgetful

by | October 31, 2022

It amazes me how many times God uses my children to teach me lessons about myself. One such situation happened a few weeks ago during our family devotions. 

I remember I was putting 110% into teaching and communicating an important truth. At the conclusion of our family time, I laughed inside as a few of the little ones jumped up right away seemingly forgetting our lesson altogether. In that moment, God spoke to my heart. How many times have I heard lessons of truth taught or read from the Bible and gleaned some key principle only to forget and fail to apply it in my own life? Probably too times many to count. 

James 1:22 admonishes us to be obedient to God’s Word and not just to listen: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” 

We are naturally forgetful people. Our tendency is to forget what God has done in our lives. We get so caught up in the busyness and blessings of life that we forget about the One who gave us time and blessings. God warned His chosen people to not forget Him and what He had done in their lives:

“Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day: Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein; And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied; Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.”

Deuteronomy 8:11-14

Let’s choose to remember. 
Remember God’s gift of salvation. 
Remember commitments we agreed to fulfill. 
Remember prayers God has answered.
Remember the changes God has led us to make. 

Let’s never forget the goodness of God in our lives.

Be encouraged.


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