This week, my thoughts have been about the home from a father’s perspective. The importance of the home, the environment of a home, and the nurturing in a home — your home, my home.
Our family makes up our home. It is where we do life, where the fragile heart of a child is guarded and brought up, where husband and wife dwell together as battle partners, standing side by side, fighting the impossible.
At its core is our faith in Jesus Christ. The One who is Immovable, the Rock and Anchor of our soul. (See Hebrews 6:19.)
Guiding this home stands the father, who is called to lay down his life for his wife. Ephesians 5:25 says: “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.”
This is a daily act of putting her needs before his, caring more for her happiness and comfort than any one thing for himself. Loving her with utmost tenderness and patience just as Christ loves His church.
On that same note, this man loves, guards, and cares for his children with all the strength, gentleness, and long-suffering that he can muster. He finds great joy in providing for his children’s needs and wants. He takes the time to hear their little hearts talk and dream.
This father finds the source of his strength and integrity in his relationship with the Heavenly Father, who only gives good gifts to his children. (See Matthew 7:11.) He doesn’t look to a man or an idea to find his bearing or guidance, but He stands to battle and fight the things that would weaken, discourage, and destroy his family.
The home and the family are under attack by the enemy, society, and all those who would oppose good. Now, more than ever, we need fathers that will stand up and be the servant leaders God calls us to be. (See Matthew 20:27.)
Father’s Day is around the corner, and I write this with the hope that these truths will challenge and encourage you as they have me. Let’s stand together.