This is “SOOO JOY”!

by | May 2, 2022

A few weeks ago, our little family embarked on our first camping trip. I think I was more excited about it than the kids were! We had finally finished renovating our old camper and it was time to try it out! The kids had been anticipating this moment for weeks and it was finally here! We went to a local state park and just spent a night. It was filled with the usual exploring, campfires, and roasting marshmallows . . . it was pure bliss. All the kids had the same response when we asked if they liked camping — they all just wanted to stay longer. 

I think Evy summed it up perfectly a few days later when she was looking over Erin’s shoulder at some videos of the camping trip and exclaimed with all her little heart: “Camping is SOOOO JOY!” 

Her little sentence revealed her view of the whole camping adventure. I pondered on her adorable response and was convicted. As a Christian, I need to have that same perspective of this adventure that we call life. Little Evy didn’t need to worry if this 1970’s camper would make it down the road, she didn’t need to worry about the food that was packed and prepared, she didn’t need to worry about never having experienced camping before . . . she just trusted us and anticipated what was to come. She knows that we only want the very best for her, and she rested in that and experienced joy in the journey. 

God wants us to have and experience joy. It requires us to do our part by trusting, resting, and just waiting on Him.

Be encouraged.

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