Where did the time go?

by | March 21, 2022

It’s hard to say whether it’s the 5 kids, running Paine Construction, or creating products for our little inspirational business that makes time disappear faster than ever, but whatever the reason, it seems that time is in short supply right now.

I was talking to one of my clients on a construction site this past week, and I was sharing about my children and they were sharing about their grandkids. This sweet lady told me to watch out, because time goes so fast, and before I’d know it, my kids would be all grown and gone and I would be wondering what to do with myself. In the back of my mind I thought, “Wow, is that possible?! What would I do then?” 

Spurred on by this conversation and the shortage of time that I am experiencing at the moment, I know that I must do the following:

1. Know my priorities & pursue them

I must recognize that God and His purposes, Erin, and the kids are the most important things in my life and that I will be held accountable for what I do with each. Others follow on that list and then my “To Do’s.”

2. Know how to say NO

I must learn to recognize the “small” things that waste my time or that derail me from what’s really important.

3. Know how to make time

Needs will arise that are not on my “To Do List.” I must learn to be flexible to meet those needs that don’t endanger my set priorities.

This is me putting together a game plan for this week. I won’t say that it is easy, but I know that it can be done with the Lord’s help. 

A verse that comes to mind about time is from Ephesians 5:15–17: 

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Ephesians 5:15–17

This verse is like a compass in knowing what direction to head with the limited time that I have. Let’s ask for God’s wisdom to know how to manage our time!

Be Encouraged. 


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