A Sunday at Lakeside Baptist Church

by | July 29, 2014

A couple weeks ago, we had the privilege of going with the Bates family down to Lakeside Baptist Church, in Clearwater, South Carolina. The church had requested that we share in music and testimony for several services during a weekend family conference. Mr. Bates preached some powerful messages and gave testimony of God’s provision in their lives. Erin and I were able to share with the young people how God had brought us together and some of the lessons that He taught us about waiting and trusting in Him for a future spouse. The church was so gracious and we were truly blessed by their encouragement and love for the Lord. We look forward to seeing how God is going to continue to use them in their outreach.

“O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.”
Psalm 34:3

Freedom Ain’t Free
Erin playing

Ellie is so cute

a kiss for me. =)

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