the Honest Truth

by | April 4, 2010

“If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:31-32

Tucked away in these verses is a profound promise. A promise that I want to claim. Jesus is talking to people who were believed in Him. As I looked at this verse more closely, new meaning jumped out as I paraphrased it.

If you continue to stay and abide in what I have told you, this will be an evident witness that you are truly My disciples. As you do this, you will intimately know the truth, and the truth will liberate you from bondage.

What powerful words to ponder…it truly got my attention. By abiding in His Word, and thus in Him, I will intimately know the Him (The TRUTH) and I will be liberated from any bondage. This is one reason He came to die…God bless your Resurrection Sunday.

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