The Secret Place

by | August 22, 2011

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High,
 shall abide under the shadow of the
Psalm 91:1
Psalm 91 has been a very familiar Psalm to me. In fact, I
have quoted it hundreds of times…and read it over and over again. Yet, I have
found that God delights in showing us something new out of a passage that we
are so familiar with!
We all know of the importance of being in the center of
God’s will. It may be easy to discern what God’s will is in a direction that
clearly violates a Scriptural principle. However, I have found that it is
harder to discern His perfect will in something that may be a good act or deed.
Simply doing “good things” is not always His will for me! He truly does have a
PERFECT will for us. There are GOOD things that we can do…but then there is the
BEST thing Mary and Martha discovered this when Jesus came to their house (Luke
10:40-42). Martha was serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Yet she
missed out on what was best. God wants the BEST for each one of us!
  What does this have
to do with dwelling in the “secret place
of the most High?”
Well, this is what the Lord revealed to me one morning
as I read this passage. I asked myself, what was the secret place? How could I discover it if it was a secret? To dwell means to abide and remain as one
would if he or she were living in a house. The secret place refers to a covering of protection where you are
hidden.  A person that remains here will
abide under the protection of the Almighty. I realized that the secret place was God’s perfect will for
my life. If I was dwelling in His perfect will, that secret place, others will not see me…they will only see Jesus. In
this secret place I find protection
from the Enemy and protection from myself. I am abiding in the vine! (See John
This simple truth was so profound to me. The secret place would only be revealed to
those who sought it. It will be different for everyone and yet it will have one
thing in common; I will be hidden and Jesus will be clearly seen!
The challenge for me is to remain hidden. Whatever God’s
specific will and direction is for each one of us, we know that He must
increase through it and we must decrease (John 3:30)! May God give us grace to
deny and surrender ourselves that we might dwell in the secret place!

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