How does God see your heart?

by | July 18, 2022

I was struck by a statement while reading a Bible commentary by Warren Wiersbe: “What you do with your heart determines what you do with your life.” 

I immediately thought of how bold that statement was. My mind jumped to the verse in Proverbs 4:23, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” These thoughts started a process of internal examination. 

What is in my heart? 

Thankfully, I know that my heart has been cleansed by Jesus through salvation. However, I am still surrounded by the world, my flesh, and the enemy. All are pulling on my heart strings in competition for my attention and affection. I need continual cleansing. If I am not careful, bitterness, selfishness, pride and other bad fruit can take root in my heart and soul and work their way out through my actions. 

I love how God can see our heart. This is where His focus is. He looks past the facade that we instinctively throw up for the people around us. He knows the real “me.” And the most amazing part is that He still loves me. But even King David — the man after God’s own heart — continued to ask God to search Him and know his heart. (See Psalm 139:23.) 

I can be blind and not even see the attitudes that are forming in the recesses of my heart. I need God to reveal to me what’s on the inside so that I can identify and resolve these sins that “so easily beset us.” (See Hebrews 12:1.) 

Let’s ask God today to show us how He sees us and what’s truly in our hearts. It’s hard to be honest with ourselves, but it’s good. 

Ask God, “What’s in my heart?” 

Be encouraged.


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