Love and ‘Cherish’?

by | August 22, 2022

Cherish is built and sustained by a lifetime of choices reinforced over decades, so that someone becomes increasingly important to us, because they always have been and they always will be.”

Gary Thomas

As I wrapped up the book Cherish yesterday, this summarizing thought jumped off the page. I feel like you can never stop learning and growing in every relationship, and I know I have so much to learn in this area. As we approach nine years of marriage, I see more clearly different aspects of my life that need maturing and growth in. 

In marriage vows, couples often say “to love and to cherish” in reference to their significant other. Often you hear people talk and expound on the word love, but you really don’t hear a lot on the topic of cherishing. I am unable to convey the entire book in a mere email, but the quote above — coupled with Ephesians 5:25 (“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.”) — struck a chord in my heart and moved me to tears. 

Every day I wake up and have the opportunity to make choices that show Erin that she is valued and that she is truly extraordinaire. She is worth any sacrifice. 

I want her to feel cherished every single day of her life. This will take on many different forms, depending on the likes and dislikes of your spouse, as well as personalities, but the overarching truth is that I am called to put Erin before myself. This is true love. Over time this will amount to cherishing and will result in a greater oneness. It is an honor and privilege to show your spouse how precious they are to you.

Be encouraged.


P.S. If you haven’t read the book Cherish by Gary Thomas, it is probably our favorite marriage book of all! We couldn’t recommend it highly enough!

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