Trusting…Psalm 57:1

by | March 27, 2010

“Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast”

Psalm 57:1

Not to say that we have been experiencing calamities here at the Northwoods, but I was just struck by David’s response to the calamities that he encountered. It seems that he always turned to the Lord. This was a clear demonstration that his trust was truly in the Lord. He took refuge in the protection of our Father-God and was trusting in His mercy. I thought the Hebrew meaning for mercy was really unique. It means to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior. David was imploring the Lord stoop in kindness to him in his time of need. What amazes me is that God is willing to do this for me and you. Therefore, He is worthy of our trust and He is a shadow of refuge of that we can rest in.

Northwoods update:

This is the last full day for the Journey teams. God has really done some amazing things in each heart and life…and the Journey is not over yet. It has been neat to stand back and watch God do it all through the willingness and surrendered lives of the leaders.
The weather has been great and things have been running smoothly. We had a lot of fun playing v-ball last night…it sure has been awhile. =)

Looking forward to next week and the projects that await us. Never a dull moment.

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